Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Slowing down time with Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

I've never been good at Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. Before it's release to the Xbox Live Arcade, it was next to impossible to get a home version game. I didn't jump on the Dreamcast bandwagon when it was still alive and good luck finding PS2 or Xbox copies. This left me with the arcade version, which of course means I'll never get around to getting decent practice in it, let alone focus on my own unique team.

It's now available to play at home and even after a few hours of playing it, I can only admit my grasp of the game is "loose" at best.

Don't get me wrong. This game is nearly nine years old and it's community is still rampant as ever for a reason. Having a three person team consisting of various characters from Capcom and Marvel, duking it out in a frenzied, frenetic tag team match is fun against friends. But MvC2 is among one of the fastest fighting games on the competitive scene, and my brain can hardly keep up with the action. This coming from a person who plays Jin and Tager to a certain degree of mid tier skill.

Still, the game is as fun as ever as you'd expect the game to be when you see it in the arcade.

Everything is still the same, and I had the chance to play it online with my friend Ed (the best fight game player I know). The netcode seems nice enough as I experience zero lag in a normal match with a friend and my favorite part is the post game room, which summarizes the last five or so games with your opponent with each character and team you've played out with your win/lose results.

Well, there's nothing much more to say. If you've been playing this game for the past nine years, you can finally play it in the comfort of your own home with all it's quirks and perks.