Tuesday, December 9, 2008

D&D Ground Rules

I want to set some ground rules for future D&D sessions for my campaign that I feel should be under my reins but aren't.

  • Memorize or at least, comepletely understand, your most used power. In most cases, this would mean your level 1 Daily power. PLEASE understand how it works so the game doesn't come to a screeching halt.
  • For multi-enemy attacks such as blast or burst, I'll decide how many attack rolls you throw according to the power. For example, for Dragon Breath, the player breathes one huge blast of elemental energy, throwing one d20 to compare against each enemy's individual defense. Twin Strike is an example of two seperate, focused attacks using two attack rolls.
  • For the Beast Master: I just want to make it clear. You and your pet share one pool of actions except for move actions. You each have one seperate move action to make use of the strategic value of having another creature on the field. Otherwise, the both of you share the same actions. The creature, afterall, doesn't do anything unless your firmly command it to do something.
  • I'll begin taking your passive checks more seriously in describing your settings. Your active checks will further flesh out what you can see, feel, hear and so on.
  • I'll begin enforcing the right of the DM's ironfirst more now that I've set these preliminary ground rules in place. Basically, if I declare anything, it's because I said so.

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