Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ignoring Marvel 3 Like the Stepchild It Is

Sorry about the lack of posts but you know how it is. A personal blog about gaming so the writer must be gaming a lot. Also he has no job and worries to himself about it. Privately. While eating chocolate. Right, actually it's toffee.

So what have I been playing?

  • Pokemon White: Self-explanatory
  • Vanquish: Japanese style 3rd-person shooter. Emphasis on the Japanese part. Everything you can do can be done in bullet time. Even simply vaulting over cover can be done in bullet time. With your jet thrusters on.
  • Way of the Samurai 3: Whoa. Random choice. Well, I don't hate Japanese games as much as your normal, red-blooded, brainless, American CoD player. So shoot me if I like a JRPG kind of game. Is it so wrong for me to meet a tough-as-nails female samurai and want to befriend her so that she thinks of something other than revenge? You will shoot me? Well it was only an allegory.
Just finished my first playthrough of WOTS3. In case you don't know how games of this nature work, the overall story is relatively short. The longest playthrough may be no longer than 5 hours. But the story can branch any number of ways and you simply reload your finished game to restart with your progress intact, ready to make all sorts of different decisions.

If you've played Dead Rising, the mood will be set. You may feel relatively weak at first until you die a couple times and restart the game with all your stats carried over. Hell, I died 3 times before my first ending.

It's definitely Japanese in other ways. Combat isn't explained in depth unless you actively seek out the dojo. It's amazing how I've taken in game tutorials for granted!

I'll probably spend a few more days on WOTS3 and even upload some Let's Plays. I've already tried rendering live comm of Deadliest Warrior but unfortunately have to start over because my audio track was muted during the render. But I promise it's a funny looking game with some stupid mechanics!

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