Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Black Ops War Journal: No, Ghost Doesn't Beat Motion Sensor

So it's been awhile since I last checked in on my blog. I need to come back more often I guess, so I'll come back with more casual updates such as what I'm playing recent games, and maybe an experiment in Indie Gaming Tonight!

Oh yeah, speaking of Indie Gaming Tonight! Christmas is coming up and I'm very interesting in investing in a HD PVR for myself. Then I can really make my YouTube account shine! Like real good commentaries, a revisit of my Street Fighter IV stuff but in HD and maybe commentaries as well. And to really make something special and regular, the concept of Indie Gaming Tonight! is to download a different indie game demo every week and go through the demo blind for as long as I can. Thinking about the set up, it'd probably benefit from a live commentary format.

Well, now that that little update is done, let's talk about Black Ops, more specifically, Ghost. I don't understand why people would even bother calling this perk OP (overpowered). All it does is take you off the radar during spy planes. It doesn't mean they're completely invisible after all. Case in point, objective defense.

So last night I got in a game of Demolition on Black Ops on the map Array and the game was pretty close. Both rounds the team on offense won so on round three, my team was on defense to break the tie. The A point went down pretty fast considering how wide open it is and how difficult planting or defusing the bomb is since there are so many sight lines on it. Unfortunately, they planted and they kept us from defusing, so it was down to B.

B however, is somewhat easier. The most direct path for offense is very predictable and literally an uphill battle. Flanking around takes longer because Array is so big, especially the main satellite station dominating the center of the map. My team blocked off the main route pretty well, but through out the entire game, someone with Ghost kept trying to flank.

Unfortunately, Ghost only blocks spy planes. They light up as clear as day on motion sensors.

You see, in trying to get Flak Jacket Pro (throw back five enemy grenades), my Flak Jacket class was made for defense. Flak Jacket/Hardened Pro/Marathon Pro with the M60 light machine gun with grip plus a motion sensor. Marathon helps offset the mobility penalty LMGs have while Hardened helps deal with enemies who play smart and fire from behind low cover (why bother shooting their small head when you can shoot where you know where their body is with Hardened letting you blow through that cover).

Throughout the entire game, me and my team had an easy time keeping them off the main route while my motion sensor let me know if anyone was trying to flank. I decided to troll this flanker by waiting until they got close to the corner and knifing their face off. For some reason they crouch walked the entire way so I could take my time reading the motion sensor for their position.

Killstreak set up was Spy Plane/Napalm Strike/Sentry Gun. My luck with killstreaks is really bad so most of my killstreaks are set this low. But on defense it was the best day ever. Napalm is pretty self-explanatory but sentry guns are so much fun. Everyone basically gets mowed down and I get to relive my days playing engie on Team Fortress 2. Then once again, the Ghost user, now revealing that her has Ghost Pro, tries to slink up to my precious toy to destroy it. Well, my entire team is here, so you won't be touching it.

There were a lot of highlights I want to get onto an HD PVR if I get one. How I defused a bomb just as it hit zero seconds, the sentry gun denying an entire zone to the enemy, the multiple times I literally snapped around the corner to knife the Ghost's face off. Man, it was a good game. And hopefully I can get more if I get an HD PVR.

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