Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blazblue TWO wishlist

It cracks me up every time someone says "The game hasn't been out for even a year and you already want balance changes?"

For your information, my dull witted friend, though the console version has been out less then a year, the game as a whole (I'm referring to the arcade) has been around for one to two years plus the console version is a straight up port concerning game mechanics and general character balance (except for astral heats, which are useless in a competitive sense).

So here is what I'm wishing for in Blazblue Two, organized by characters.

- Buff his Soul Eater drive so it actually makes a difference. Do whatever it takes to let Ragna absorb more health, from nerfing Blood Kain to tweaking how strong Ragna is.

- No changes really necessary, though some argue he needs more flaws to be more appealing in a cast wide balance sense.

- No buffs or nerfs come to mind.

- Personally my favorite in terms of balance. Her move set favors a lot of rushdown, which makes spectating her matches so awesome. However, her vitality reflects her rushdown perfectly.

- Remove his Zero Vector's ability to curse on block. He already has plenty of devious tricks to get his drive attacks to curse on hit through sly teleporting and mix ups. The ability to curse on block can lead to some tough match ups and most of all, a possible loop (which he doesn't need).

- His ability to loop (called the ClapTrap) is essential to Carl play. His ability to loop his opponent is balanced by his absolute bottom tier stats (lowest guard strength, lowest stamina, lowest damage output).

- Find a way to limit her extreme zoning. I personally want to increase the start up frames on her drive swords so she can't throw them out rapid fire. Her swords come out fast for projectiles after all. Even Ryu needs frames to wind up his hadouken.

- Admittedly, this list is in response to Tager's horrible match up to Nu. No othe character screw with Tager more then Nu. Even Arakune has openings Tager can exploit. What if Tager had an ability to spend his electric gauge to "reverse" his "polarity"? He starts a special attack which start to drain his electric gauge and it can't be stopped until it drains completely. During this special state, when Tager blocks, he moves forward instead of backwards (hence, he's reversed the knockback effect from blocking, or his polarity). Blocking moves him half as much as the regular knock back, and instant blocking moves him up as much as regular knock back. This changes Nu matches considerably in my opinion, since she can't throw swords out all day without fear of punishment, as long as Tager has gauge to use this reverse polarity power (in addition to spark bolt).

- More nails to use would be a positive if his damage output remains unchanged (which is abnormally low for such a beefy stamina character).

- A normal run, please. Also, longer active frames for his drive counters.

- Can't think of anything. She's pretty much a complex, low damage output, combo-oriented speed machine with a nightmare set of mix ups attacks.

- I got nothing to say frankly. I don't know what the rest of the community thinks, but I think she might be fine the way she is.

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